10-hour Pilot

Dear PBA Officers,

On 9/17, I met with Employee Relations and Field Command regarding the 10-hour pilot. I pushed for several modifications, including an expansion of the pilot to include more troops, more positions within a troop, and to allow for exemptions for those who wish to remain on 8’s. Of those requests, Division would only agree to expand the pilot to two more troops, beginning next schedule, on 9/26. Those troops are TBD by Division. In exchange, I agreed to a Division request that all Captains on the 10’s pilot go to split weekends, something which a majority are currently doing by choice.

I recently conducted a survey of initial pilot troops, D&F, in which 80% of respondents preferred the 10-hour schedule. However, this survey did not include split weekends for Captains.

As we progress with this pilot, I want to get a better handle on how the entire group of Commissioned Officers feel about 10’s. Even If you already completed the survey for D&F, please take a minute to complete this one as well, it is different, and I want to capture the opinions of the CO group as a whole in this survey.

Here is the link to the short survey. Including your identity is optional, I have it there in case I want to follow up with you on your comment portion.   Survey Link

Thank you,
