Message from the NYSTPBA Board of Directors

Insurance Webinar Update

So that members may better understand what Long-term Disability (LTD) insurance provides, and important details about the coverage, we have included the below webinar. We hope you take the time to watch it so that you better understand what your LTD insurance covers if you should ever find a need for it. Future webinars will be provided detailing other insurances and the details of those plans.

Long-Term Disability Webinar
Passcode: G6A%ij.7

Assistance for Little Falls PD Officer

We are pleased to inform you that after last week’s posting on Officer Hagan, that his GoFundMe page saw a dramatic increase in donations. After speaking with the Little Falls Police Department Chief, Robert Thomas, he thanked us for supporting Officer Hagan and acknowledged his belief that our membership was the driving force in making the difference. Although Officer Hagan’s road to recovery will be long, his health is improving slowly each day and he is soon to be released to a rehabilitation hospital.

To donate, click here: Officer Hagan’s GoFundMe

National Troopers Coalition Picnic

The 2024 National Troopers Coalition picnic is being hosted by the Maryland Troopers Association on September 5, 2024 from 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. at Sandy Point State Park in Annapolis, Md. Tickets purchased after July 5 will increase $10.

To purchase tickets, click here:  NTC Picnic Tickets



Charles W. Murphy
